Educational Visits

Visits are arranged by teachers to places of educational interest to support the curriculum. If these are some distance away or residential parents receive detailed information and written permission is requested for each visit in advance. Without permission a child is unable to take part in the visit. Year 6 children have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit which includes outdoor activities and ICT studies. This week is an invaluable experience and enables the children to develop their problem solving skills and personal challenge.

Children also visit local places of interest near to school – e.g. a visit to the post box or library. For these short walking visits parents are asked to complete a general permission form which is kept in your child’s file.

We ask for voluntary contributions towards educational visits. The Governors are sensitive to family circumstances and no child would be excluded because of inability to pay. However, sufficient voluntary contributions are needed to make these educational visits viable. If insufficient payments are received trips may have to be cancelled.